Paintings on your mind...

but not sure about what products to use, colors to choose or budgeting your expenses? You have come to the right place. We have tried to give you a quick insight on what is involved in getting your dream house look real!


You may feel bewildered by all of the conflicting information on the subject. Our goal is to break the basic painting process into steps, and to address specialized areas of house painting in specific articles. Everyone’s painting needs are different depending on the scope of your project like painting a brand new home, re-painting your existing home or touching up a few walls. The scope of the project decides the initial cut on the budgeting.

The painting process does not come into picture until towards the end of the house construction phases and with so much money already spent on brick, mortar and steel, the tendency is usually to cut down on further spending as much as possible and just be done with it. But in reality, weather resistant paint products actually protect those expensive wood and metal from moisture and corrosion, not to mention the look and feel of the house itself. Quality painting products actually increase the life of your home and there by cutting down on future maintenance costs. It is smart to allocate sufficient amount and well planned budgeting for Painting expenses.

As stated earlier, painting expenses vary depending on the scope of your project. Painting expenses for a new home is higher than that spent on an existing home. This could be for a multiple reasons, for instance a new house takes up additional painting products such as wall primer and putty applied for the first time etc. Painting an existing home on the other hand might not require these additional products and can be applied right-on after cleaning the walls. Painting expenses also depends on whether the walls being works on is Interior or exterior to the house. Apparently, the Interior wall painting products are generally more expensive than exterior walls depending on the quality of the product applied. Interior wall painting products are refined for smoothness and contain costly pigments for proper shades, making them more expensive than exterior ones. On other hand if your painting needs are much less like painting just one room etc., try painting it yourself! Even if it’s your first time and you have no idea about painting, give it a try, it’s always fun and you will save on paying for the painters too.

Quality of paint also factors into raising painting costs. The exact same shade of paint can occur in at least three different quality and prices. It is there by highly recommended to understand what makes it expensive than the other and does that meet your needs. For instance, ecofriendly paints might sound expensive and unnecessary but if you read through carefully you will understand that they have low concentration of lead in them making it safer to you and your family. Feel free to talk to us about your painting needs, understand products and features and plan your budget the smart way.


Colors not only make the house look good but have subtle and enduring impact on the mood. Choosing appropriate colors for different areas of your home is very important. Having a basic idea on how to choose right colors goes a long way in not only getting your house painted but live happier in it.

There are three primary colors Red, Blue and Green. All other colors are derived from these three basic colors and form secondary and tertiary colors. General idea of painting a house would be to have a light base color that covers most portion of the wall and choose shades of appropriate complementary or analogues color schemes for highlights.

Darker shades of red blue and green forms are considered cool and passive tones whereas lighter shades are warm and active. Shades are Red are generally used in Dining areas as they tend to encourage appetite (McDonald restaurants). Use shades of green in bedroom as they are naturally calm known for tranquility and health. Kid’s room can have shades of Pink as they are warm, calm and playful. Lighter shades of lavender are well suited for living areas as they bring out calmness and relaxation. Kitchen can have shades of yellow that increases metabolism, brightness in the room and keeps you energized.

 Red: Emotionally intense. Good accent color. Attracts attention. Not ideal for childrens room, but lighter shades of Pink is.
 Green: Known for Tranquility and health. Readily calms the mind, best suited for bedroom.
 Blue: Most preferred by men. Most used for offices. Curbs appetite. Associated with peace
 Yellow: Cheerful, the brain releases serotonin with yellow promoting positive psycological vibes. Good for kitchen. Babies cry more on yellow rooms.
 Shades of white: Purity, calm. Lighter shades of white such as Gray etc makes good base color for living rooms.


Number of painting products available is overwhelming, not to mention different shades and textures. The general way our minds preserve the idea of painting is – “Wall” and “Paint” (and may be a brush!), making rest of the things like the binding agents, primer etc. all sounds unnecessary and wasteful for some reason. Well, ironically, these are the things that hold the paint to the wall for years to come. It is important to understand the basic painting products available and the role they play in order to determine what works for you and what doesn’t. Once you understand the basic products, you will be in a better position to choose between the right products or work with alternatives instead, making the right choice the right way. Certain paints are expensive for a reason and other because of its brand name. It’s always advisable to talk to a color expert and make the right choice before opting for the expensive one.

It’s fascinating how the painting industry is coming up with new innovative products but unfortunately the consumers are least aware of. Don’t limit yourself just to the basic products but have an open mind about trying new innovative products ranges. Few such products are listed below.

The range of such products are high, please talk to us about your needs and we would be more than happy to suggest you with the right products.

Be sure to check out Color Expert Services